Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser
Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser

Pastor Moses Kenya Orphanage via The Gathering Place Church (RI) DONATEaBAG Fundraiser

Regular price $22.22 Sale

This  Season  ''DONATEaBAG'' of Soul Warming Soups and support The Gathering Place Church's (RI) mission to  help rebuild Pastor Moses Orphanage in Kenya - Just last weeks floods came and their Residence was overpowered by the rushing Waters!! Three of their Children are now with the Lord in Heaven. 

(To see the live video via Facebook this link here

With Each 4lb Bag of Soup Donated locally, $11.11 will go right to help Pastor Moses to RE-BUILD his Orphanage in Bungoma, Kenya.

1) Choose to Give  4lb/$22.22  DONATEaBAGs of Gourmet Soup to a family in need in RI and MA through the  STOREHOUSE Food Program at the Gathering Place Church - Where they not only help people with their physical needs but with their spiritual needs too! We believe in the power of prayer!

2) Pastor Moses and the children will receive $11.11 profit for each bag Donated!! We are thrilled that these Dollars are being used to RE-BUILD the Orphanage inside and outside!...."For I tell you the truth, When you did it for the Least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

You gifting Bags of Soup supports THREE CAUSES!! 1.) Help Raise needed $$$s for The Pastor Moses and the Orphans he & his wife oversee, 2)Support those in need with 4lb Soup Bags &3) 100% Donateabag Company Profits goes to Charity!


Please note:  if you wish to give an outright Donation to Pastor Moses via the Gathering Place Church you may indicate the direct Dollars at check out or go to the 


Donateabag is a program of Soul Warming Provisions, LLC, Lakeland, Florida